Dear one,
It’s 1st of May and I hope that you are enjoying this amazing day!
For me it’s also a time to ask myself few important questions, as I do at the beginning of every month.
And today it’s all about creative ways of being and creative dream business. So dear one here it goes…
Do you loose confidence in your own creative abilities?
Are you dreaming of having your own creative business? But there are times you feel like giving up reaching for your goals?
Are you fighting your insecurities, thinking that you are not good enough, that you do not have all the skills to make it happen?
Do you doubt your talent and creativity?
Remember this, no matter whether you already have a thriving creative business or you are just starting from the binging keep in mind that we all were beginners at some point.
It doesn’t mean that you are not good enough, you are simply at the beginning of this wonderful adventure that will change your life forever. Don’t get discouraged!
I’m a portrait photographer for over 9 years. With my business constantly growing I’m aware that there will be always new skills to learn as a portrait photographer and a business owner. There are always things I could do better or simple differently. This fact doesn’t stop me, but inspires me to know more, be more and do better.
Having a creative business means constant growth.
No matter the difficulties I have to face, I can’t imagine doing anything else in my life.
Just like you, I’m walking my path. I do not expect that it will be always easy.
There are so many talented creative people all around. Often it’s a stressful factor for so many.
Whenever you start compering yourself to others, who in your opinion are more talented, more creative, more out there, who are making their dreams come true, while you are struggling to make yours possible…. STOP.
Comparison is never the way, and deep down you know it.
In order to achieve your goals and create the life you really want, first you have to stop compering, and start getting excited by the amazing journey of self discovery and creative growth.
It’s not who you are that is holding your back. It’s who you think your are not. Truth is, you are everything you believe you are, so choose to believe in your greatness.
Here are few ways to improve your creative confidence:
- Find people who inspire you and motivate you to do better, believe in your purpose, and focus on your goals.
- Become your own priority. Trust in your own value. You deserve to have the life you dream of and only you can make it a reality.
- Start from the beginning: know your goals, make a plan, and everyday step by step start working towards your dream creative life.
Focus on your goal, and believe in what you have to offer. The world needs the special gifts that only you have.
If you enjoyed this post, if you liked it, please follow me on my social media profiles { you’ll find all the links below }. But if you dream of a photo session with me ♥ contact me now!
There is no better day than TODAY to book the photo session of your dreams!
Darling, you deserve to exist in pictures!
I would be very grateful if you share this post with all your family and friends. With your kindness, sharing & love, you might help to make someones dreams come true! ♥
Thank you for reading!
Have a wonderful day ♥
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