On Sunday Hector and I celebrated 10th Anniversary of our Love, life and sharing! We celebrated, choosing every day walking our paths side by side. We love celebrating all the happy and exciting moments of our lives, and this one was an important one for us. So I made sure that we glamed up, and I organized a few minuets long fun photo shoot, to capture the mood and this amazing moment.
There are times when the perception of time shifts. In the past, 10 years seemed to have had such a weight to it for me, but the last 10 years feel like it was just yesterday that Hector and I truly met for the first time.
Today, I couldn’t love that man more. He is my light, my heart … he is and always was part of my dream. He is my tomorrow.
Life always matters most “today”, “now”…We want to make every day count. As a couple we do not strive for a perfect life, we strive for a happy one, a life full of wonder.
Celebrate Love! Celebrate every moment of goodness in your life! Celebrate kindness and beauty! Celebrate life! Celebrate Love!
If you enjoyed this post, if you liked it, please follow me on my social media profiles { you’ll find all the links below }. But if you dream of a photo session like this, or any other photo sessions that I show you examples of in my portfolio ♥ contact me now!
There is no better day than TODAY to book the photo session of your dreams!
Darling, you deserve to exist in pictures!
I would be very grateful if you share this post with all your family and friends. With your kindness, sharing & love, you might help to make someones dreams come true! ♥
Thank you for reading!
Have a wonderful day ♥
Website: martahurtado.com | Facebook: Marta Hurtado Photography
Google +: Marta Hurtado Photography | Pinterest: pinterest.com/hurtadomarta/
Instagram: instagram.com/martahurtadophotography
Twitter: twitter.com/m_sunshine