Dear one, stop waiting for the “perfect moment”. Your time is NOW. This present moment is all you have. This is it! This moment is here for you, and it’s all you have.
Your life is shaping, your story is taking form within every passing moment. What are you waiting for to make your move? What blocks you? What stops you from doing what you need to do? What stops you from reaching for your goals? From being in charge of your own story, and creating a life that you dream of?
Whatever you are waiting for? Stop waiting and take charge. Whatever it is that you need to do, just start doing it. Start climbing that ladder… Start climbing you mountain… cross that sea! The time is now to take the first steps towards your goal. And if your goal is still only your dream, change it. Make it your goal, make it important. Make it necessary and priceless so you will not be able to live without it. Make it as needed as the air you are breathing… If that’s what you need to achieve it, do it! And do it now. Don’t wait for the perfect moment, the moments is now and all you need is to know that it’s true.
And yes, at times you might stumble, you might fall and scratch your elbows and knees… You might fall and get bruised up a little. Your climb might be challenging and really lonely at times. But every step that you will take forward will bring you closer to all you are meant to be. Even if your path will not lead you in a straight line forward, it won’t matter… Reaching your purpose, reaching your goal does not matter as much as how you reach it. Yes your journey matters…
Wherever you start, enjoy every step you take forward. Every small fall, every challenge that gives you an opportunity to grow and find different part of your path. You have the power to make this whole journey an incredible, life changing adventure, or not. Your story, your journey is in your hands, what you do with it, how you tell it is up to you. And no one else can decide it for you.
Dear one, don’t wait for the perfect moment, as it might never arrive. You have to create it, and seize it. Make a plan, and follow it one step at the time.
“You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.”– Rabindranath Tagore
Often you just have to simply start taking action the best way you know how. Take action. And if the circumstances are not favorable, change them. Create your own luck, create your own opportunities.
Life is passing by, time is not waiting for you to be ready… and yet all you have is time, and it’s always the right time. There is no better moment than now, so embrace it. Believe in yourself, believe in your purpose and take the first step. I know, and you know that you can do it. You can do this!
You don’t have to be perfect… your first step doesn’t have to be perfect. All it really takes, is to show up and do it. Do it as well as you can at that moment, and that moment will become all it can be. No more no less, it will become all it was supposed to be from the begging.
Life is all about change. Everything around you is constantly changing, and so are you. Whether you will be in charge of it, whether you will choose where you want that stream of life to take you or not, it will do it’s job and take you forward. And all you have to do is to decide whether you want to choose your direction, or whether you just want to be taken forward. That decision is up to you.
Dear one, never doubt this is your moment. Every moment is your moment! Know this you are never to late. You are never to little, you are never to much or to small. You are never to loud or to quiet. You are a divine presence and you are exactly who you where and how you where supposed to be in all your ways.
Life is precious. Your life is precious.
Embrace your goals, and make your first step towards your divine goals forward. By choosing your today, your are choosing your future… it starts with this moment. Embrace it!
Don’t play it small, don’t play it big…. Just be you! Believe in yourself. Trust yourself. Trust that you are enough… and take the first step forward!
With Love,
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