At some point or another within business, whether you’re a photographer or a creative business owner or any kind of business owner for that matter, you’re going to get into a creative rut. You’ll wake up one morning and feel totally spend and uninspired. Your mind will feel empty of any good ideas. From time to time, this happens to all creative people. And as all people are creative people whether they discovered this side within themselves or not just yet. This can happen to anyone and without the right tools it can last what will feel like forever.
It happens to me, and I know it happens when I loose sight of myself, when I loose sight of my personal core values. When I get lost in work, when I start to say to myself that whatever I’m doing for my business to serve others the best way possible is more important than making sure that I make myself a priority in my own life everyday. When I tell myself that that last big push is worth the sacrifice of loosing sight of mindful presence… When I tell myself that there is too much work and that I “don’t have time” to have a balance life. Not when there is a deadline and I have so much work to do, so much… and it’s all so important, right?! In those moments I forget myself completely, I get lost, my true purpose gets blurry… In those moments I’m to busy to I have no time to do yoga in the morning, to meditate, to take a proper lunch break… Or to spend quality time with my loved ones. Then sooner than later all tumbles down. I start to feel overwhelmed, disconnected and frustration and fear sneaks in.
If you have ever experienced moments like this…If you made the same mistakes as I did, you might have felt hopeless, incompetent and your self-esteem might have vanished as you “clearly where not on the level to achieve your goal” to surf that creative wave for ever.
Tip 1. Create strong set of daily rituals
I can not stress it enough how important daily rituals are to create mindful and well balance life. To reach the best results start as soon as you wake up. Make sure to put yourself into the best mood possible to have super empowered, full of gratitude and positive energy, inspired day.
I love starting my day with grateful thoughts. It’s the first thing I do every morning, I give thanks. First I give thanks for all I am. I give thanks for being alive, for my body, mind and soul.I give thanks for the life I’m blessed to experience. Then I give thanks for my loved ones, family and friends. I try to be as specific as I can. As last I send my gratitude to the world, people and places I will be honored to experience that day. I fill my soul, heart, body with love and I share it.
Next I get ready to do my morning yoga and meditation. I start with 10 – 15 minuets of meditation. First I connect within, and then I practice yoga from 15 min unto 1 hour, it all deepens how much time I have that morning. When I finish I feel incredible in my own skin… and I’m ready to start the day with a positive attitude. I share coffee, breakfast moment with my hubby and cuddly loving moments with Milly Love. Spending time with my loved ones is such an important part of my ritual.
When I get to my studio, I write down few grateful thoughts, and review the plan for my day. I imagine the best scenario for every action I need to take that day as if it already happened and thank the universe for all the gifts it send my way.
My goal is to stay in mindful state through out the day. Short meditative moments for few minuets just before I’m about to start a new task help me with keeping my mindful presence. At 2pm I take a break to meditate, to connect with the love and light. And then I happily get back to the afternoon part of the studio life. When I finish work for the day, I usually practice yoga or an intensive workout for 1 hour. I spend time with my favorite people in the world, watch a movie, read a book… In that moment I do something that makes me happy. And when it’s time to go to sleep I put a meditation on.
Do you need some inspiration to start creating your own daily ritual? Don’t worry I got you covered. I wrote a blog post with 4 Tips to practice self love and self acceptance Those tips will help you make sure that you start your day in a positive way, and when you ready add another health, happy action into your daily ritual.
Daily rituals have the power to help you create a fulfilling, happy, inspired day every day.
Tip 2. Listen to your favorite music
Music has such an amazing power to change in an instant the way we feel. I always keep my phone nearby and when I start to feel I need a happy or creative boost I’m ready. I always have a list with at least few of my favorite artist at any given time, and no matter what is happening in my life… I know that their songs have the power to enchant my world in an instant. Those are the tones that not only speak to my heart, mind but also to my soul.
When I’m feeling uninspired… I take a moment to go back and listen to my favorite songs, I take time to really LISTEN. I go into a meditative state, I let it become part of my being and remind myself that there are no limits to who and what I am… I let the music guide and transform my being. I see my thoughts passing by in a stream of thoughts… without attachment… I allow and invite all form of creation to take place. And then when the time comes I invite more specific ideas to take it’s form… Not all ideas are a good fit, but usually there is one or two that are full of light and feel like the right match. And those are the once that I look at closer. And just then I ask myself if there is any way that I can take those ideas and create something that will serve as many people as possible out of them? I ask myself what message do they have and if they are in line with who I’m, if they are in line with my core values.
As we are all unique beings, it’s only natural that we all respond to different flavors of music. Make sure to find out what kind of music works best for you. Create your creative happy inspirational list for the next time you will need that additional boost. Prepare it, and use it anytime you need it!
Tip 3. Connect with nature
Without fail, if I get outside into nature, when I breath, release all tension, all worries and let myself truly connect with nature I feel as if the life force awakens within me again… I feel stronger, refreshed, reminded of who I am. Plus changing up your surroundings can be an incredible way to invite new ideas, and to get inspired. While walking and enjoying the nature, you never know what you will see, what you will experience and what sort of ideas you will come back home with. As a photographer, I get so incredibly inspired by locations. In some places I start to see my surroundings in pictures, photo sessions so naturally start to get planed before my eyes, and all details are clear. It feels like the places speak to me in final pictures revealing its magic and beauty. Inviting me to a creative dance… in those moments, in that space and time… anything is possible.
So get outside, take a walk and breath, look around and be open to new possibilities. Invite new ideas into your life and they will come.
Tip 4. Watch Films
When you need a break watch movies and redirect your focus. But make sure that you will watch a movie with the right mood for you, choose don’t just watch anything random. Watch your favorite movies that seem to always inspire you. If you are into arty movies, great watch that. But if happy, romantic movies inspire you more, go for Hallmark movies all the way. Remember it’s all about you and what works for you best. And if you feel like changing up, immerse yourself in a new genre.
Watch the colors, see how the director chose to make transitions. What is the light like? What are the characters like? Pay attention to what catches your attention. Make notes, and see if you can come up with any ideas for your next creative project based on that.
Tip 5. Go somewhere new
It doesn’t need to be a big trip. When you feel blocked and need a change, just go somewhere for a day, or even just for few hours if you can’t take a longer break. Whether you plan a trip to a different country, or you want to visit a new town in your area that you’ve never been to before, heading somewhere new is always a great way to get inspired.
Tip 6. Find people who inspire you. Create your personal “Super Hero” list
Follow people who inspire you. It doesn’t matter whether it’s on Instagram, Facebook, twitter, YouTube or any other social media platform. Find up to 5 incredible, amazing, inspiring people and follow their profiles. Create your personal Super Hero list. Get to know them, connect with them and make sure to comment on the posts you like. Ask yourself questions about why those people inspire you. What is it about them that you like so much, and what do you need to do to become a person that others could look up to and be inspired by? And when you are in a rut go to their profiles, get inspired. And when you are in the right set of mind again, when you start to have new ideas, make sure to take massive action straight away.
Tip 7. Attend Workshops, Webinars or and Challenges
As I’ve just attended a workshop, and I’m participating right now in a 5 Day Challenge for IG Stories, I can’t begin to stress how great it is to immerse yourself in a topic for few days. Being surrounded by creative people, by changing your point of view, listening to someones story can be so inspiring. When I struggle at achieving a specif outcome I love trying out new techniques and learning new things. So if that’s what you need, look for workshops in your area that you would like to attend, find a workshop online, and book your seat.
Tip 8. Practice, practice, practice
Creativity is like a muscle that needs to be regularly used. Just as you don’t get in shape by not working out, or by not going to the gym, you won’t develop your creativity if you do not practice. Still if you are creative every day, but still feel stuck, then you need to pick up something new to stimulate and challenge your mind.
Tip 9. Be social, meet new people
Many creative people work alone, but to boost your creativity it’s great to find support. Join a creative network, go to meetups in your area to meet with other creative people. You can also join creative communities online and get new inspiration there as long as you are planing to join to truly connect and share.
Tip 10. Avoid stress
If you are stressed, tired or feeling overwhelmed it will affect your creative mind. So take as much time off as you can, to “just be and do nothing”. Do nothing or do something that makes you happy. Bake, meditate, do yoga, go for a walk in nature or go to your “favorite place”. Listen to music that relaxes you, watch your favorite series, or have a nap, read a book… or just sit quietly and look at the sky. Whatever gives you joy and puts you in a blissful state has the power to rejuvenate your mind. The more you feel connected within, the more you feel peaceful and well balanced, the more you feel grateful to be you, the more you will be able to connect to the creative flow and sustain it.
Those are my 10 Tips for you for today. Just remember as Maya Angelou said
You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
With Love,
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