Today I would like to invite you to set your goals for 2019. That is if you haven’t done it yet, and even if you have this post could be great for you just to make sure that you covered all the points. It will take only few minuets, but I promise it will be worth your precocious time.
Today I will help you set your:
- personal growth goals,
- health goals,
- your mirage/ couple/love relationship goals,
- family & friends goals,
- professional/business goals,
- financial goals,
- holidays/adventure goals,
- contribution to others goals.
The most important is that you know what your goals are for each important part of your life. Remember that with clarity and great motivation you can achieve anything.
Most people have more or less an idea of what they think they want, and they believe that that’s good enough. But to truly reach your goals and make them your reality you need to KNOW THEM. In life or you have GOALS or you don’t. There is no space for wondering.
In this post I share with you 3 simple steps with questions that will help you find your purpose and focus on your most important goals with clarity and precision. Finally you will know what to focus on. Establish what are the most important goals for you at this point of your journey, and which of your goals you really want to focus on this year.
With time you might have to adjust, and possibly change your goals a little. That’s the flow of life. Most important at this point, is to start and get the clarity of where you need and want to get to.
To achieve your goals, for each aspect of your life mentioned above, I’ll guide you through 3 stages of a coaching model:
- Set your goals.
- Be clear with where you are at, and what do you need to do to where you need to go.
- Make a realistic plan of action, and most importantly start taking action today!
Are you ready to change your life and start achieving your goals?
Sooooo let’s do it today, let’s do it now. Set your goals and get excited about your own life. Get excited about your own future. Your moment is NOW!
Together, because yes, I’m here sitting just next to you. (I know that you can’t see me but you know that I’m there…) Sooo… together we will focus on finding out what you actually really want. You will set your goals with clarity and purpose, and this action already will start changing your life. Are you ready? Are you ready to start taking action and start creating the life your truly want and you know your deserve?
I hope that you just nodded and said YES with excitement! Let’s do it together, out loud and with all the joy you can master. Are you with me? Are you ready to start taking action, and start creating the life your truly want and you know your deserve?
YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!
Dear one, know this, if you will follow those steps this is going to be the first day of your new full of dreams come true life. Now take your favorite notebook, or a peace of paper and a pen. Ready? Great!
1. What’s your goal?
Write your goal, or goals in a positive form, and as if you have already achieved it. Write all your goals in as much detail as possible for every important aspect of your life.
- personal growth goals,
- health goals,
- your mirage/ couple/love relationship goals,
- family friends goals,
- professional/business goals,
- financial goals,
- holidays/adventure goals,
- contribution to others goals.
If you would like to for example loose weight, and XX kilos, then write: ” I weigh ( your chosen, new dream weigh) XX kg, and I love how I look and feel within my own skin.” instead of writing “I’m not overweight”, or “I lost xx kg.”. Or If you would like to learn how to play guitar, write: “I learned how to play guitar, and I’m amazing at it. I love how quickly I learned.” instead of writing: “I want to learn how to play guitar, and I hope that it will not be too hard for me to learn it.”
Now it’s your turn, write your goal/goals down for each aspect of your life.
2. Set your dates! When are you planing to reach your goal?
Setting a deadline is really important as it helps you to stay focused and keep you on track. Be as specific as you can, and set a precise date.
Got it? Great! It’s time for the next step.
How will you measure your success?
Now let’s take it a step further, how are you planing to measure your success? How will you know that you achieved your goal/goals?
Write down few lines about it and try to be as specific as you can.
3. Why do you want to achieve this goal? Why is it important to you?
In this section write as many exciting, motivating and compelling reasons as you can come up with. Write in great details about why are you excited to reach this goal? Why you chose this goal above all others? How will it change your life and the lives of people you care for? Get excited and put all your happy thoughts on the paper. Having powerful enough why will help you find the necessary how.
While setting your goals with clarity and purpose, keep in mind this thought:
“Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it’s who we become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment. So maybe the key question you and I need to ask is: What kind of person will I have to become in order to achieve all that I want?”
Tony Robbins
Knowing what matters most in your life, will give you power to choose the life you deserve and want!
With love,
Stay connected!
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