Mini Corporate Portrait Photo Session











Do you have an amazing profile picture for your LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, or any other online profiles, representing you and your business?

I want to know how many of you reading this “really” want to connect, and attract your ideal clients? And how many of you would love to get their prospect clients to engage with them?

So many people say they’re dreaming of having more results. That they would love potential clients to connect with them. That they are ready to serve, offer their incredible services that they so strongly believe in to anyone who needs their help. Yet they don’t put any effort in the way they present themselves or their business on line.

Can you relate? Does your profile picture show who you are?

Or maybe you don’t have this problem, and your profile picture shows how friendly, likeable and trustworthy you are. If that’s the case, congratulations. You are already ahead of many, by taking care of this step alone.

Do you want to know why most people don’t present themselves with the best profile pictures that they could have? Why most people don’t to showcase their strengths and qualities?

It’s because they don’t know how to take great pictures of themselves. YOU TOO? If you just though…”Yeahhh – I’ve been struggling with knowing what to do once I’m in front of the camera”, know that you are not alone in this.

Just think about it, wouldn’t it be amazing to have a profile picture you could be proud of? To know *exactly* what to do to take that perfect shot? To know what to wear, how to pose and what to pay attention to? To look great in your pictures every time, without second-guessing yourself? To know that you show the best side of yourself every time! AND NO MORE AWKWARD PICTURES!

Just imagine how it would change the way you would look and feel about your profile pictures. If you felt confident every time you would stand in-front of a camera… And yes, with my help, a little courage and practice that’s actually possible.

I believe that everyone deserves to have an incredible profile picture that they could be proud of. That’s why I created this special offer for a Mini Corporate Photo Session.

I can’t wait to welcome you in my studio, and to create those profile pictures that will be as AMAZING as you are!

With love,





Who this Mini Corporate Photo Session for?


This Mini Photo Session is for people who struggle with taking the right shots! For people who want to make sure that they are making GREAT first impression, and that they are sending the right message to their prospect clients.


What can a 30min MINI PHOTO SESSION with me do FOR YOU?

I will guide you step by step, on what to wear, what to pay attention to and what’s important to keep in mind while preparing to take that perfect shot. On the day of, in my photography studio I will guide you through a series of powerful, yet professional and approachable poses especially chosen to make you stand out. And to make your qualities shine!

You will get 2 incredible profile pictures that your prospect clients will love, and you will be proud of. You will know exactly how to prepare and when we will meet, I’ll take care of everything else.



Book your Mini Photo Session Today!

When you have pre-reserved your spot, you will receive a confirmation email with all the information needed to finalize your booking.

Total Fee: 300 EUR  {VAT not included}

Just imagine… This could be you! Your profile picture could look this AMAZING!

I believe that everyone can have incredible profile picture no matter their job!

















This offer is worth 300 euro because it delivers RESULTS!


It has transformed peoples lives! They went from “being invisible” to getting incredible positive results. Their profile pictures became their CONVERSATION STARTERS with prospect clients.

First impressions are everything! Corporate portraits made by me can help you get noticed, and get the first meeting that could change everything.

Great profile pictures that state who you are, and what your business stands for CAN & WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!


Normally, I charge 350 euro as a Sitting Fee for a photo session of 4 hours including 2 consultations.

  • 275 euro per printed picture, and it goes up from there…
  • 1200 euro for a Luxury Portfolio Boxes with 6 Incredible Portraits, and it goes up from there…

Soooo… being able to BOOK this MINI PHOTO SESSION to get 2 profile pictures that you will love, and you will be proud of, for 300 euro is 100% WORTH THE COST!



If you JOIN & BOOK TODAY I’m going to throw in an extra offer for FREE COACHING on How to Prepare for your Mini Photo Session of 30 min + a FREE eBook with my best “5 Posing TIPS”.

Yes it’s REALLY an amazing deal!



I love how my work generates happiness



Book your Mini Photo Session Today!

When you have pre-reserved your spot, you will receive a confirmation email with all the information needed to finalize your booking.

Total Fee: 300 EUR  {VAT not included}

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